Fall 2024 Peking University
Sep 20, 2024
Lecture notes in one volume: (updated 2024-09-20)
Basic Information
- Instructor name: Tongyang Li
- Assistant Professor, Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies, Peking University
- Email: tongyangli@pku.edu.cn
- Teaching assistants:
- Rui Yang: ypyangrui@pku.edu.cn
- Yuexin Su: 2401112039@stu.pku.edu.cn
- Ziyi Yang: 2100010833@stu.pku.edu.cn
- Assignment email: pku.quantum-computing@outlook.com
- Lecture time:
- Wednesday 1:00-2:50 pm (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)
- Friday 1:00-2:50 pm (Every week except 4 due to holidays)
- Lecture location: δΊζ 406
- Office hour: Friday 3:15-4:45 pm or by reservation, ιεδΊι’ 103-1
25%: 5 assignments, 5% each
- Each assignment will be given around two weeks to finish.
- Late assignments will NOT be accepted.
- You are encouraged to discuss assignment problems with your peers, with the TA, and with the course instructor. However, your solutions should be based on your own understanding and should be written independently. For each assignment, if you discussed the problems with other students in the class, you must include a list of the students' name.
35%: 5% proposal, 20% final report, 10% presentation
Our course project will:
- Explore a topic in in depth, especially considering that quantum computing is a rapidly advancing area;
- Give you experience in reading research literature and identifying possible future research directions;
- Practice your scientific communication skills through both a written report and an in-class presentation.
You may work either on your own or in a group of two students. Project types include:
- An expository paper on a quantum computing topic that is not covered in the course, or
- An original research project on a theoretical aspect of quantum computing.
The project is composed of a proposal (1 page), a final report (no more than 10 pages), and a presentation (around 10-15 minutes, depending on the number of groups).
A suggested range of topics will be given around the middle of the semester.
The final report will be required to be written in a given LaTeX template. Reference:
The evaluation of the final report will mainly depend on:
- Contents: The range and the level of details that the report covers.
- Novelty: Catch the up-to-date trend for expository papers and implementation projects. Full score on novelty for original research projects.
- Clarity: The clarity of the contents discussed in the report, whether those are intuitive and understandable.
- Quality: Grammars, choice of words, typos, expression of mathematical formulas, etc.
The evaluation of the presentation will mainly depend on contents and clarity.
Final Exam
40% Jan 5, 2025, afternoon
Students are allowed to take one page of A4 paper (with two sides). No other notes, books, devices, etc. are allowed.
The problems will follow similar styles to assignment problems.
Tools & Links
- Photos to PDF: https://www.camscanner.com
- ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com
- Maths Q&A: https://math.stackexchange.com
- Wolfram Alpha: https://www.wolframalpha.com
Lecture 1
Sep 11, 2024
Introduction to IBM Qiskit, credit to IBM
Lecture 2
Sep 13, 2024
Lecture 3
Sep 20, 2024
Project Proposal
Final Project Template
Topics List
The following is a list of possible project topics, organized by subject. Though very long, this list is far from exhaustive. You are welcome to choose a topic not on this list.
Each topic has a short description to give you a very rough idea what it is about, together with a few references to get you started. Often the choice of references is somewhat arbitrary, so you should only treat the given references as a possible starting point. You should consult other related papers to form a more complete picture of the topic. Please do not hesitate to ask for help finding additional references.
Many of these references are links to published articles that may not be accessible from outside the university. If you have difficulty accessing any of these references, please let Tongyang know. If a topic uses mathematical concepts that go beyond the typical scope of the course, this is noted in the topic description.
Quantum algorithms: A survey.
There is a nicely-written survey that you can use as a starting point - read the chapters and find the one that interests you the most. (Dalzell et al.)